SecureMailMerge Updates - Was hat sich geändert und was ist neu?
Aktualisierungen und Versionen
Here you will find information about when we update SecureMailMerge with new features or change functionality. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at [email protected]
Version 2024.12
- Fixed issue when token contained a slash
- 🙌 We need your support: Please leave a review of SecureMailMerge on the AppSource store
Version 2024.11
- Improved token lifetime handling, so that longer campaigns can be run without re-authenticating
- Added support for setting reply-to addresses in campaigns
- Fixed edge scheduling edge case
Version 2024.10
Version 2024.9
- Improved progress display to indicate which step is currently running
- Improved retry mechanism for temporary failures during campaigns
- Improved handling when Outlook has not synced with Microsoft 365 (e.g. template changes)
Version 2024.8
- Fix for custom formatting involving fonts
Version 2024.7
- New lines (line breaks) in personalization tokens are now automatically converted to HTML line breaks for better formatting
Version 2024.6
- Fix for tokens embedded in links
- Fix for wrong error message when subject and body were empty
- Fix for a spreadsheet issue where emails starting with a number were interpreted as dates
Version 2024.5
- Fix prevents backdating email campaigns when scheduling
Version 2024.4
- Fix for changed error message from Microsoft Graph to explain the issue better
Version 2024.3
- Fix for left margin issue for some formatting cases
- Fix for copy pasted images not being displayed correctly
Version 2024.1
- Fix for display issues with bullet points on Outlook for Mac
Version 2023.26
Version 2023.25
- Now with support for formatting options (dates, currencies) when using Excel
Version 2023.24
- Fix for trailing semi-colons and spaces which are now removed from the attachments column
Version 2023.23
- Fix for emails with long local parts that were not validated correctly
Version 2023.22
- Changed the display of missing attachments to only show the unique file names if the same attachment is used in multiple rows.
- Fix for empty rows in the Attachments column causing issues
Version 2023.21
- Fix for sending as an alias on your own mailbox (Workaround for MS Graph API limit).
- Fix for incorrect row number on error messages
- Whitespace in the email recipient field is now ignored.
Version 2023.20
- Definieren Sie einen Sendezeitbereich für Kampagnen
- Define a day to start sending for campaigns
- Fix for large campaigns that experience side-effects from throttling
- Fix for unreliable campaign pausing
Version 2023.19
Version 2023.18
- Added site-wide search
Version 2023.16
- Fix for CC/BCC usage
- Fix for spreadsheets with empty column headers
Version 2023.15
- Fix for images in Classic Outlook for Mac
Version 2023.14
- Fix for copy-pasted images in Outlook for the Web
Version 2023.13
- Infrastructure upgraded to improve reliability and performance
Version 2023.12
- Fix for Web Outlook when using embedded (base64 encoded) images
Version 2023.11
Version 2023.10
- Fix for Firefox users not being able to authenticate with Microsoft 365
- Fix for intermittent timeout errors when sending attachments
Version 2023.9
- Unterstützung für Standard-/Fallback-Werte für Seriendruckfelder hinzugefügt
- Verbesserte Fehlerberichterstattung zur Unterstützung bei der Fehlersuche
Version 2023.7
- Sie können nun frühere, auf Ihrem Computer gespeicherte Kampagnen fortsetzen
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Lizenz nicht sofort geladen wurde, wenn eine Kampagne aus dem Adressbuch gestartet wurde
Version 2023.6
- Laden von Kontakten verbessert und Sortierung hinzugefügt
Version 2023.5
- Kontakte aus gemeinsam genutzten Postfächern können jetzt zur Erstellung von Kampagnen verwendet werden
- Ein Problem mit Inline-Bildern in Signaturen wurde behoben
Version 2023.4
- Lizenzen können jetzt direkt über Ihr Microsoft 365-Abonnement erworben werden
Version 2023.3
- Kampagnen aus Adressbuchkontakten erstellen
- Öffentliche Einführung von SecureMailMerge im Microsoft Office Store
Version 2023.2
- SecureMailMerge wurde von Microsoft für AppSource getestet und verifiziert
Version 2023.1
- Beta-Version von SecureMailMerge für frühe Testpersonen freigegeben